Monday, May 31, 2010

Final Interview Outfit

Fingers crossed, I will not have to jump through anymore hoops, put any more powerpoint presentations together...nor balance on my head while drinking water, I kid.

But one thing I don't kid about is a KICK ASS get that job wardrobe.

Babs is a bitchin' cause I'm not in bed, getting my beauty zzz's, so I'll make this we are:

$2.00 Estate Sale Find

Pearls and Patron Saint Bracelet

Gucci Bracelet, Pearl Head Band, and Bonfire Lip Gloss

"I'm a great belieer in luck and the harder I work, the more I have of it." - Thomas Jefferson

1 comment:

  1. Darling outfit. Now get yo' bad self to bed. And do get a grip.
