Monday, April 12, 2010

United Estates of Madge (Breaking and Entering Edition)

For some odd reason, this weekend consisted of two separate "law breaking" related situations, with two members of the same family, on completely different days.

BCF had a root canal and was a wee bit loopy--what a better opportunity to go an estate sale! En route to the sale we had a MAJOR rainstorm. I'm talking can't see 5 feet in front of us, sides of the road flooding, and Sammy the Saab hyrdoplaning.

Some how a doped up BCF was able to communicate what the navigation system was saying and we made it to the sale--and then we saw the "Estate Sale" signs...we made it!

"I'm melting..."

These photos do not do it justice, but it literary was flood and we were hauling ass to get inside out of the deadly deluge.
Love BCF's face in this pic.

So we get into the house and start looking around. From behind us we hear a snotty voice, "Can I help you girls?" A drugged up BCF replies, "Yeah, you can get me a towel so I can dry off." "The sale doesn't start until tomorrow girls," says snotty man.

So its official, we have committed a B&E...just wish I had the opportunity to kick the door open! The question remains: Why would you have signs up if the sale didn't start to the next day??

Anywho...we went back to the B&E sale the next day. The estate owner has a daughter who is roughly around our age and had A LOT of designer clothes (many of which had tags still attached) for dirt cheap.

The purchase of the day came when Jenny was digging through another closet of clothes.
Notice the random manniquein hand on the top shelf...

I came across something that I have been pinning for, for close to a year...Anthroplogie has the most eccentric style of bedding I have ever seen. I've been looking on ebay for some time now for a quilt with no luck.
Shortly after snapping the photo of Jenny and the mannequin hand, I looked on the floor and to my surprise there was an Anthrolpolgie quite--for $45. They are typically $250! (More of pics of the bed to come).

The next sale we went to we immediately felt good karma due to this poster hanging oh so prominently...
Not only is this my favorite all time movie, it is also BCF's. We occasionally quote it for significant time periods. "Turn out from the hips, Jodi!"

This sale had the largest spooky doll/troll collections I have ever seen...

BCF snagged a great Free People cardigan and a fabulous necklace, in which she accidentally stole from another shopper. When she was checking out I commented on how cute the necklace was and how I didn't see her grab it. She then proceeded to explained that she had to crumple it up in her hand the entire time we were there in fear that the lady would find out of that she had it! She also made off with the hangers...and felt guilty about it.

Total Spent by Madge: $50

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