Saturday, April 24, 2010

March of Dimes/Embarassing Neighbor Moments

Today I participated in the March of Dimes.

BCF's two children were both born prematurely and this is a charity that is near and dear to her heart...hence and therefore, it is near to my heart.

I am proud to announce that I tripled my goal--pat on the back Madge! However, the majority of my donations came in from fam back up north. So I had an absolutely scathingly brilliant idea this morning: I will document the whole day with pictures to send to them in appreciation of the contributions that they made.

The bad news: I woke up to thunder this morning.

So the first picture I decided to shoot was an off center picture of Sammy the Saab with one of my flower pots on the side, just to prove that I have developed a green thumb!

I take the picture.

And then I hear someone yelling at me.

"No Cameras!" I think to there a celebrity that has moved into our complex that seems to have confused me with a paparazzi?

I look up to see my neighbor across the small common drive we share standing in nothing but a robe retrieving her paper. I am SHOCKED!

If you notice across the street you will see a lady in a pink robe.

I try to explain that I didn't see her standing there--and that I was documenting my March of Dimes experience. I'm still up in the air if she was pissed or not.

So, I make it to the walk and half of our team has decided to bail due to the weather. Bummer.

We begin the walk, I'm freezing--wearing 3 shirts and a sweatshirt, getting wet from the sideways rain, and attempting to divert from large puddles.

The downtown area we were in was so charming, I couldn't help to take pictures of some of the beautiful houses along the way.

Roughly half way through our walk, BCF said screw it and decided to turn around.

Major deliberation whether we press on or give up. Notice the swag bag...we got hooked up!

While we were heading back to the starting point we passed a fricking stick family, and I couldn't resist.

I really think the butterfly sets it off!

Publix donated a LOAD of food--and it was agreed that BCF and I would take the left overs back to the non-profit organization that we work at. The weather turned from poor to Wizard of Oz style very quickly, but luckily we were able to load our cars before the deadly deluge hit.

I find it amazing we fit all these water bottles in my trunk!

My documentation of the day's events didn't go to plan, unfortunately. However, it was a wonderful day for a great cause! If you have the chance to participate with a charity, I would highly recommend it--it leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling!!

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