Monday, March 22, 2010

Epic Bedroom Fail

After work, my significant other and I ventured to great land of Ikea. We went with a mission of finding shelves for my reading nook in my bedroom.

Every time we go, I talk about this bed. How much I want this bed. How I cannot wait to get rid of our bed frame we currently have and get this one. How it's such a great price...etc., etc.

Well today was no different, I expressed my love for this bed. And it's agreed, we will finally purchase my dream bed. Joy!

Everything went so smooth. The packaging fit in Sammy the Saab like a glove. No crazy moments. No arguing. Nothing.

We get home and I'm so excited to put this bad boy together. I quickly snap some shots of the bed frame (which I may or may not have had since I was in 9th grade).
 I get the old bed dismantled as Mr. MTM is unpackaging the new one. I thank the old bed frame for all the wonderful years that it has given me, and explain that I will be donating it so another young gal will have a nice bed of her own. I'm getting all sentimental.

We start the contrusction of the new bed, we were even mindful of the possible loud noise that putting this bed together may create and start the project in the livingroom as to not wake the bratty child next door.
And then it happens. My husband looks up with that sort of confused look dogs sometimes get, and asks me, "What size is our mattress?"

"I believe it's a queen. Why?"

"Are you sure?" His eyes are darting back and forth between the mattress and new bed frame. So I turn around, and see what he is looking at. The mattress and bed frame are NOT even remotely the close size. WTF?

It turns out we have a full size bed. No wonder anytime anyone comes into our bedroom it's always asked, "You guys sleep on that bed?" in amazement.

Currently this is what my bedroom looks like...

The partially built bed frame is on an angle; and the box spring and mattress are on the floor. I turned to my husband and said, "It's official. I'm back in college, I'm sleeping on a mattress on the floor." He claims that we are "camping out" tonight.

I did some research and the bed does come in a full, I'm going to be placing a call to Ikea tomorrow to see if we can exchange bed frames. Fingers crossed.

On a positive side note...we have two new additions to the fam...

They will be housed on the shelves in the reading nook. $1.50 each and the pots were $.49.

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