Thursday, March 18, 2010

United Estates of Madge (Quickie Edition)

As I posted previously, I didn't think I would end up making it to any estate sales this week. The thought, quite frankly, made me very, very sad. I think I may have developed an addiction to estate sales.

Well, fabulous news--BCF and I were able to hit one up during lunch today!

I was able to pick up some more nick-knacks for my reading nook that seems to be taking shape, if only I could find a nice chair!

I picked up 2 more books with pretty bindings. They are Readers Digest Condensed Books. Each book has a few good reads; one has "To Kill a Mockingbird." One of my favorite all time books. And that lovely figurine perched on top of the books is a bird and a bell...a bird bell. I couldn't pass it by.

Birds are so hot right now, they are everywhere. This guy had a lot of personality, I especially like the bow that he is sitting on. And who knows...hypothtically I could have to have my tonsils removed and need a bell for service. :o)

I saw this pin and had to have it...
The lady looked at me a bit strange when I paid for it, considering it didn't have a price listed and she had to inquire with 2 different people to get a price, and I explained that I was Scottish and had spent sometime in the country. And she pointed me in the direction of some magnets. Side note: notice the bird peeping up Mr. Bagpipers kilt? Goes with the "bird theme."

Now if there is one thing I appreciate in life, it's a good magnet. Who doesn't love some refrigerator flair? Scottish flair makes it ten times better.
I snagged a Polaroid 600 camera with 2 packs of film. I was so excited when I found it, I have been wanting a Polaroid camera for ages.
Here's BCF and her "thumbs up" pose.

My excitement has been short lived, I got home and did some research on where to purchase film only to find out that A.) Polaroid no longer makes instant film (After reading this, a light bulb went off in my head and I had one of those, "Oh yeah, I vaguely remember hearing something to that affect a while ago," moments.) and B.) Fujifilm does not make any film that is compatible with my Polaroid 600 series.

I'm not giving up hope just yet, hopefully I will find a website that will point me in the right film direction!

"Hello my name is Madge, and I'm addicted sales..."

Total spent by Madge: $12.40

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